How to Rescue Matrimonial Reduction In This Planet

Today i would like to talk exhilarating theme, that depend in the world and the backbone of this planet, which previous gargantuan price but today become without colossal issue, that reduces the meaning of the human being, it's what we call Matrimonial.

Really the marriage was one of the greatest value in the past century even though we reach further development of many sides like the technology but unfortunately missed what we can able to sustain in this era, in the last 50 year's was massively declined marriage by 7-5 per 1000/ year while 10-9 per 1000/ year, for this declined was bring many circumstances like money,  understanding by civilization which made us to do long term relationship and not intend  to do nuptials, new civilization of the human being for these things and other are demote the value of our female what ever color they are because they accept this deal and eventually men's doing cheating , separate, disappointed actions which brings her suicide, depression, low self-esteem, giving up.

Really it's tragedy situation so we are going to conquer to conclude this fiddle action.
Cohabitation is so faster than the nuptial because the latest estimation tells us 64.5% has cohabit with romantic partners​ and out side of the conjugal.
So we are playing our existence, dignity so we are going to forget marriage is an important issue for the community, children, men and women.

Advantage of nuptials for the children: 

Increases number attend college, reduces  drugs abuse or alcohol, poverty, getting succeed academically, Physically, Emotionally healthier and decreases their chances of divorcing when they get married.

Advantage of nuptials for women and men:

 More satisfying relationship, reducing to attempt or commit suicide, STD’s, poverty and having better relationships with their children.

Advantage of nuptials for the community:

Increases educated citizens, decreases domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, migration rates.

 So i think what i mentioned the article is clearly and enjoyable advice,
the marriage is not intimidate but it's lucxur and happiness of this universe so we have to redress this ludicrous deed to do long term relationship which will eventually end regret.
Let's us proceed the implementation of this adjurations dear.

I now it's not easy to implement and building a live with Truthfully​ but we have to become commitment people who realized their dreams honestly.


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