Why motivational people working for additional hours?

This question is so interested and doesn't concise idea,article, a little sentence or book but I attempted to tell you the main point of this topic.

let me to start for this fascinating theme:
motivational people are waiting for thousand person who are different cultures and habits and he want to enter his experience of live all that different population.

So he must read a lot of books and watch many videos and remembering for his experiments of live that compulsory him not to feel for exhausted.

They read different ideas, culture and habits which from many people who live this universe and additional for experience of his life then he presented as easly as possible and we reach our goals effortless and  happy battle.

Motivational speakers are brave and designers of their glareous life because they met many struggling and difficults in their environment live which coming huge failure and become expertise that doesn't cause to feel disappointed and never give up for his life  then they tell us how we successfully easy beyond what he met before.

Mostly they smiling and sharing history with no crying that is a sign of healing and bring development of his bio and neighborhoods.
they're role model for many population so every time he want to increase his grades and never feel fatigue​.

They feeling boring if they didn't work nothing because they are energetically active and eager to build a new life which doesn't seen this ground whole, they believe for their self and having confident which appears his face and that comes people believe for their ideology.

These person having a great goals which want to change whole of the world and become a successful person for his life, to help people who suffering multiple failure, to earn a lot of friends, to get multiple reputation.

My conclusion that is the why he working for additional hours and compulsory him to wine like the chasing competitions​ and getting the Medal or the reward of life, so he want to be most important person in the world either he lives or dies, that position you didn't get for rest or watching TV.

Please share it if you found of

Prepared by: #Dr_Mohamed_Bashiir_Ali


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